Dramatic Healing
with Jason I. Stutz
Intuitive Life Coach and LMT
Educated, Soul-based Healing
Guided By Your Personal Truth
Often, emotions are trapped in the body's tissue from past traumas, be they a car accident or sports injury, childhood traumas, emotional abuse, enmeshment trauma, etc. When emotions come up during a session, it is of central importance that they are given space and air, as they are significant of coming release from pain and trauma. You can speak or not speak about the emotions that come up. Images, as well, appear to many clients as I work specific body areas, or engage in dialogue about specific life-events or traumas: these images are as "gifts" from the unconscious that give meaning and understanding to an injury that language could not relate as gracefully. These always are welcome. If you care to relay an image to me, it is my honor and passion to receive it neutrally, as an advocate to your expansion and joy, always- as an affirmation and a pointer for your healing and expansion.