Dramatic Healing
with Jason I. Stutz
Intuitive Life Coach and LMT
Educated, Soul-based Healing
Guided By Your Personal Truth
Body and Soul Work For Sensitive and Aware People With Physical and Emotional Injuries or Stress
My clients come from all walks of life and possess the full spectrum of temperments and personalities. There is no "type" of person who comes to me. The only continuous thread I have found is that my clients are interested in learning about their bodies and themselves, and are open to the potential for energetic phenomenon to occur for their benefit. Nothing more.
Below is a brief and inadequate description of a "typical" session:
Transformational Dialogue
(with or without Clairvoyant, Physio-emotional Bodywork):
First, we sit in chairs or begin with you on the massage table, and talk about your issue: what's "up" for you emotionally, what you are experiencing in your life, aches, pains, where you feel it in your body, and where you hope to arrive as a result of your session- etc. Every dialogue takes a unique path, and, as for myself, I seek to discern spiritual guidance in sessions much more than my own knowledge and understanding. Also, it is my personal understanding, proven through thousands of hours of conversation, that for every encounter we have, every meeting, there is an optimal path which, when we allow ourselves to discover it, leads to many profound, personal, and wonderful results. Psychologist Stanislov Grof refers to this phenomenon as the "Inner Radar." I refer to it as the "Word of God." Please, however, do not either cling to the religious use of that phrase, or be stuck, triggered by my use of it- it's not what you think!
Once we arrive at the emotions and issues, process them and understand them a bit, we naturally begin to engage in a healing process. It is so personal, that healing is the direct response to this discovery. We can transition you to the table if you aren't there already, either under linens and blankets or fully clothed on top, to begin work with the body, as we discuss the energies, insights, and emotions that come up, in the moment, around the issue/s. In table work, I might use a variety of physical techniques or modalities depending upon what presents itself to me as optimal. Clients might feel well with or without table work. We go with what is wanted for healing.
Energetically, I'll tell you what I see or am experiencing, I'll receive insights to share, and will gratefully receive what insights you intuitively sense and receive. I'm happy to give you the "play by play" of what I'm noticing and doing if you desire it. This is not a time to zone out. This is a time to be attuned to yourself as a human being that exists on many levels: emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, physically, etc.- where ever your awareness of yourself lands. I will also offer guidance for where to pay attention, when helpful.
Most often, the origins of trauma are traced back to infancy and childhood. Often these energies and emotions are quite intense. We will be able to comprehend, bare witness and hold space for the energies, emotions and images that arise, no matter what time of your life we are dialoguing with. Here, I can work your body tissue to facilitate movement and release of difficult emotions, and bring new light to dark, suppressed areas of your being. If emotional work is too daunting, do not feel discouraged, as simple awareness of your body is often enough to further a healing process. You'll know, and it's my goal to be trustworthy with your energetic boundaries.
Clairvoyant, Physio-Emotional Bodywork
(without, or with moderated, Transformational Dialogue)
Sometimes, use of dialogue to highlight and address physical and emotional injuries and stress can, in itself, be too triggering, or feel distracting from a client's ability to tune in. Always, attunement to one's feelings and body with one's awareness is the axis of healing. There is occasionally a kind of "negotiation" process whereupon we arrive at optimal use of dialogue. Sometimes, a client is hyper-talkative, to the detriment of their own healing. The hub of the wheel of your session is your connected awareness of your own feelings and your own body.
Healing of core wounds often requires a layered approach. In truth, my own healing has required me to approach certain traumas from the outside-in. It's very fruitful to meet at the edge of any resistance without steamrolling over it. Make friends with our resistances and they will be grateful.
*Modalities used might include Myofascial Release, Thai massage, Shiatsu, Cranio-sacral massage, Swedish, Feldenkrais, Lymph Drainage, Structural Integration, Physical Therapy-style practices, work with breath, etc., etc. Always, however, I meet you and your body precisely where it is- I don't force, for your sake, and mine.