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Dramatic Healing
with Jason I. Stutz
Intuitive Life Coach and LMT
Educated, Soul-based Healing
Guided By Your Personal Truth
Explanation of Pricing
Generally, with my work, healing occurs much more rapidly than if I were only working your muscle tissues, or only providing talk therapy, or only providing spiritual counseling, or only offering a psychic reading, or only providing energy work, or only inner child reintegration, or only lineage-based emotional blockage processing and release, or only freedom from unconscious spiritual entity attachments, etc. Because we work together "firing in all cylinders," what might otherwise require years of treatment, usually culminates in a few sessions or less. Often, a period of processing is needed before another session, and after a meandering path, a client will often return after arriving at a new level of awareness in themselves, requiring assistance anew. I do not mean to "boast" or "brag" or anything so arrogant as that, but, much of the time, a new client will reach a place of resolve with their primary issue in one session, and then they will not need my help anymore. (I do welcome those of you who have deep, rich, multi-layered and multi-faceted healing journeys to process through and integrate! Certainly, my own journey has certainly required thousands of hours of assistance from many mentors and intuitive healers). Nevertheless, the pattern of rapid healing and integration that has occurred is such that it has actually created a financial dilemma for me. Many clients have told me that in one session with me, they accomplished more than in several years of frequent, regular talk therapy. If only I was paid as well!
If you schedule a session, please respect what I am offering and pay me according to its worth to you. If you can pay more, if you have a successful career and expendable income, paying more than the minimum helps re-balance the energy exchange for people who are more limited financially in need of my services. Also, I believe in "the widow's mites," that her pennies given in full faith and generosity were equal to or greater than the wealthy person who paid much more but still paid less than what was in their heart.
1 session, @1-2 hours: $170 minimum donation
Out Calls/Travel
$50 for travel within a reasonable distance. Since I am new in Texas and still finding my footing, I prefer to work either out calls for bodywork or via video chat where healing is predominantly emotional and spiritual. Otherwise, I can accommodate a safe interaction in my apartment in Central Austin.
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